Island - Visual Novel REVIEW

Inziamo questo 2019 con una recensione che avevo promesso da tempo: Island.
Premessa: la recensione riguarda il gioco, non l'anime!
Di cose da dire ce ne sono parecchie, quindi partiamo subito per l'isola di Urashima!

TRAMA (spoiler free)
Island vi metterà nei panni - all'inizio alquanto ridotti - di un ragazzo privo di memoria, risvegliatosi sulla spiaggia dell'isola di Urashima. Battezzato Sanzenkai Setsuna da una delle abitanti dell'isola, il protagonista riesce a ricordare soltanto di avere una missione molto importante da portare a termine e di - venire dal futuro!
Tutto vero o solo allucinazioni e fantasie create dalla sua mente?
Con il passare dei giorni, Setsuna inizia a fare amicizia con gli abitanti di Urashima, e soprattutto con le tre eredi delle tre famiglie che da generazioni gestiscono il potere all'interno del microcosmo che è l'isola. Tra misteri e i piccoli grandi problemi della vita quotidiana, Setsuna dovrà decidere cos'è più importante per lui: l'illusione di un compito che forse non è mai davvero esistito o quello che è proprio lì davanti a lui?

Definire in poche parole Island è molto difficile: rimane perennemente in bilico tra commedia romantica e mistery, con i vari route che propendono per l'una o per l'altra.
Quello di Karen è una commedia/dramma romantico, privo di elementi di mistero.
Quello di Sara è una sorta di giallo psicologico con momenti divertenti. 
Quello di Rinne è un'unione delle due cose e altro ancora che non posso dirvi senza il rischio di spoiler.


Come ho già accennato, Island è una storia piuttosto strana, che mostra la sua vera "faccia" soltanto nel route finale, ovvero quello di Rinne (che infatti è sbloccabile solo una volta completati gli altri due).
Prima di tutto, vi servirà molta pazienza: Island è discretamente lungo e alcune parti sono un po' pesanti, ma voi non cedete! Forse l'unico vero problema di questa Visual Novel risiede proprio in questo: si ha una prima parte in cui gli autori lasciano cadere parecchi indizi intriganti riguardo la vera identità di Setsuna e i misteri che circondano l'isola, ma poi questi indizi sembrano quasi venire abbandonati per i due route di Karen e Sara. In realtà, tutti i nodi torneranno al pettine nel route finale - che è lunghissimo, ve lo dico subito! - ma appunto bisogna non arrendersi e avere la pazienza di arrivarci. Non che Karen e Sara siano personaggi brutti di per sè stessi, ma i loro route a mio avviso - soprattutto quello di Karen - deragliano troppo dal tema principale della storia e finiscono per far credere che determinati avvenimenti che non tornano siano leggerezze degli autori o semplici buchi di trama - quando invece sono assolutamente voluti! 
Il momento principe di questo gioco - e dove la storia decolla davvero - è il route di Rinne. Devo dire che la storia - che non vi spoilero, tranquilli! - mi ha davvero commossa in più di un'occasione. Davvero, non posso dire nulla senza rovinarvi la sopresa, ma non potete davvero dare un giudizio su questa Visual Novel senza aver letto la sua route, che di fatto è la vera storia di Island.
Posso solo lodare l'eccezionale prestazione della doppiatrice di Rinne, che fa un lavoro incredibile su questo personaggio.
E qui arriviamo a un altro dei punti di forza di questa VN: le tre protagoniste femminili. Nessuno stereotipo, nessun cliche da anime: tutte e tre sono personaggi a tutto tondo, che dimostrano la loro vera natura nei propri route. Rinne in particolare mi ha davvero colpito - ok, si era capito credo. XD Ma davvero... nessuna delle tre è quello che sembra o quello che ci si aspetta. Se guardando Sara pensate di stare per leggere del classico personaggio moe che correrà dietro a Setsuna strillando "oniichan", state per ricevere una doccia non fredda - gelata - dal momento che il suo è forse il route più cupo e lei forse la più matura delle tre protagoniste nonostante l'apparenza infantile.
Un'altra cosa che ho apprezzato è la presenza di numerosissimi finali e "bad end" che sono non semplici finali negativi, ma alternative anche interessanti alla storia vera e propria. 

Nota doverosa: se leggete Visual Novel per il fanservice e le scene piccanti, potete tranquillamente passare oltre: di anche solo remotamente sexy qui non vedrete assolutamente nulla! XD

Insomma, Island è una di quelle Visual Novel che, nel bene o nel male, non può lasciare indifferenti. Magari non vi piacerà, MA non potrete non ripensare - magari anche arrabbiandovi - a come finisce. 

PREZZO: 33,99
SUB: Inglese
DOVE? link steam

Lake of Voices - Visual Novel FREE REVIEW

E anche oggi vi parlo di un gioco totalmente gratuito - Lake of Voices
Le Visual Novel su Steam sono sempre di più e vedo che molte piccole case di sviluppo e autori ci si stanno cimentando: alcune volte i risultati sono buoni, altre volte un po' meno...
Come se la saranno cavata con Lake of Voices?

TRAMA (spoiler free)

Nei panni di una coraggiosa soldatessa di nome Kikka, il giocatore si appresta ad attraversare, insieme al suo migliore amico, un pericoloso lago popolato di mostri: la loro unica speranza di raggiungere sani e salvi la riva opposta e compiere la loro missione risiede nella misteriosa Guida, l'unico che sembra sapersi destreggiare nel groviglio di ponti che costituisce l'unico passaggio possibile attraverso il lago.
Con loro stupore, ad attenderli insieme alla Guida, si trova una donna che sostiene di avere a sua volta pagato per essere portata dall'altra parte e non sembra intenzionata a lasciare perdere...


Un interessante esperimento di Visual Novel fantasy-horror


Per essere un prodotto gratuito, devo dire che Lake of Voices mi ha davvero colpita in positivo. Il suo più grande pregio, secondo me, è l'aver cercato una strada alternativa per creare una VN, senza cadere nella facile tentazione di limitarsi a copiare quelle orientali - a iniziare dallo stile grafico.
Il concetto su cui si basa tutta la storia è semplice ma interessante: nel corso del viaggio, incontrerete vari personaggi e semplicemente non potrete salvarli tutti, per quanto ci proviate. Dovrete fare delle scelte. Questo porta a un gran numero di finali - belli e brutti - e spinge a rigiocarlo in continuazione per provare tutte le possibili combinazioni di sopravvissuti - e sbloccare finali e scene extra.
L'idea alla base è parecchio divertente, ma purtroppo la scarsa durata della trama e il cast ridotto di personaggi tarpano un po' le ali al prodotto, rendendolo meno avvincente di quanto avrebbe potuto essere. Tuttavia, bisogna sempre ricordare che è un gioco free.

Insomma, dategli una possibilità: non diventerà la Visual Novel dell'anno, ma potrà comunque regalarvi qualche ora di divertimento. 

SUB: Inglese

Sounds of Her Love - Visual Novel FREE REVIEW

TRAMA (spoiler free)

La trama di Sounds of Her Love è piuttosto semplice. Il giocatore interpreta un ragazzo che frequenta una scuola privata esclusiva per studenti stranieri, e lì conosce per caso Ceri - una ragazza irlandese incredibilmente timida ma anche incredibilmente carina.
Riusciremo, nei panni del protagonista, a conquistare Ceri - e magari scoprire la ragione alla base del suo carattere tanto introverso?


Una classica Visual Novel a tema scolastico.


Una graziosa lettura poco impegnativa, Sounds of Her Love non colpisce né in bene né in male: non è brutta, ma non è nemmeno particolarmente coinvolgente. Le illustrazioni sono tutto sommato graziose per essere un prodotto gratuito e la trama scorre gradevole, ma quello che manca davvero è qualche scena o momento memorabile: forse qualche colpo di scena in più avrebbe fatto bene alla storia.  
La storia è breve e si concentra interamente sui due personaggi principali, senza lasciare di fatto spazio, se non in modo marginale, ad altri: sentirete ogni tanto i due piccioncini interagire con le famiglie, ma poco altro. Il protagonista è un po' anonimo, mentre Ceri gode di un'ottima caratterizzazione, risultando di fatto la vera protagonista di questa Visual Novel.

Insomma, una storia d'amore scolastica senza infamia e senza lode: se vi piace il genere, datele un'occhiata - in fondo, è gratuita.

SUB: Inglese

Spooky anime to watch this Halloween

After the TOP 3 Visual Novels, it's time for the TOP 3 anime!


Petshop of Horrors

A series of creepy OAVs about the monsters hiding in human souls - because the real monsters aren't the odd animals you can buy in this petshop.
The stories are sometimes sad, sometimes creepy and other times both, but they'll never leave you indifferent.


Corpse Party

Halloween isn't really Halloween without a vengeful specter with impossibly long hair, so here for you Corpse Party: a story that all the fans of Japanese ghost stories will surely love.
A group of boys and girls decide to perform a good luck ritual to say farewell to a classmate moving in a different town, and as a result they find themselves imprisoned in a world inhabited by ghosts. NEVER play with magic.



A urban legend, a strange girl and an entire class struggling to survive a curse. This Halloween why don't you try to uncover the truth about Misaki?

Spooky Visual Novels to play this Halloween

Are you ready for the creepiest night of the year? And how better way to celebrate it than playing some really scary Visual Novels?
So... My personal top 3 for this year!


Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni

A classic. Old but still terribly disturbing.
A terrible curse seems to haunt the old and peaceful village Keiichi has just moved in - but is it really a curse or maybe a terrible killer is at work instead? And his new friends are really telling him all the truth about them and the place they live in?


Saya no Uta (Song of Saya)

A very mature game for players who don't fear strong images and themes. If you love Lovecratian atmosphere, this game is a must have.
Fuminori's life is completely destroyed by a terrible accident that cause him a permanent damage to his brain. But when he was about to resign to a life trapped in hell, an angel came to save him. But maybe this "angel" is not what she seems to be...

where to buy it


Miniature Garden

A classic spooky tale about a school and its mysteries: the theme is such a classic for a Halloween Night that I just have to mention it
Your school is not like any other school: Miniature Garden has a long series of mysteries and urban legends, all tied up to the festival taking place every 3 years. And now you have to solve these mysteries - or be killed by them.

Where to buy it

G-senjou no Maou - REVIEW

PLOT (spoiler free)

In G-senjou you play the role of Kyosuke, the adoptive son of a ferocious yakuza boss (he's scary as hell, I assure you @@) whose only interest in life is making money. His life has a dramatical change when a strange and mysterious man whose name is only "Maou" (Devil) starts to  challenge Kyosuke's "father" rule over the city, dragging into his machinations also Kyosuke himself and his classmates. To make things even more complicated, in Kyosuke's class transfers a strange girl who seems to hold a personal grudge against Maou...

A perfect balance between your everyday school romance harem and a dark detective story.


First of all, is G-Senjou worth of your money and your time? The answer is yes.
The plot starts slow - as it's the case with many other VNs - but by the end of the first chapter you'll be completely taken by the story and curious to know who is Maou and what he's plotting.
And I can already tell you that the true ending will not disappoint you.
Maybe the thing I enjoy the most of this Visual Novel was his cynical portrayal of human nature: every character, once you know her, is totally realistic - not some romantic anime version of a person. Many of the dialogues will have you stop thinking about what is just being said - and that was a great pro, in my opinion.

At first, probably you're not going to be very impressed by none of the romantic options, but give them a try nonetheless: many characters have a a deep story and interesting development that is shown only during their route. So don't skip them. The weaker of them all is probably Mizuha's route, but she has some interesting moments too.
Keep in mind though that you'll understand the whole story only if you play throught the main route (Usami's one): if you don't read her route, you miss almost half of the story.
So this Visual Novel is perfect? Almost, but not quite. The main problem is Maou himself: the more you know of him the less realistic becomes the entire story - and this is a problem in a VN which makes of realism one oh its strongest points. He ends up to become annoying to the point you'll start losing interest in the main plot - or at least it was this way for me. I cannot go into details without making spoilers: you'll understand in Usami's route.

G-Senjou no Maou maybe will not be perfect, especially in its last chapters, but is a must have if you're looking for a mature Visual Novel, with characters not always easy to love but hard to forget!


G-senjou no Maou - about Mizuha route: indipendence

WARNING: it will contain spoilers on the VN's plot, so if you hasn't played it yet, continue reading at your own risk! :P

I already talked about this Visual Novel in an old post (Tsubaki route), but I'll tell what this game is about once again for anyone new here.

In G-senjou you play the role of Kyosuke, the adoptive son of a ferocious yakuza boss (he's scary as hell, I assure you @@) whose only interest in life is making money: his life has a dramatical change when a strange and mysterious man whose name is only "Maou" (Devil) starts to  challenge Kyosuke's "father" rule over the city, dragging into his machinations also Kyosuke himself and his classmates. To make things even more complicated, in Kyosuke's class transfers a strange girl who seems to hold a personal grudge against Maou...

I was very curious about this route, because for most of the game Mizuha seems to hate the protagonist for some unknown reason and keeps her distance from him: as a consequence, we know near nothing about her other than being school principal's daughter and little sister of another character you encounter during the story. 
As for the other girls in this game, the actual romance was really a surprise...

Just like Kanon turns out to be much more strong and stubborn than she initially appears, Mizuha is almost the opposite of what you player thinks: shy, immature and meek, her cold attitude is simply a mask to hide the fact she's hopeless when it comes to interact with people. Also her hate for Kyosuke is fake: she'd actually been in love with him for the past two years. 
The beginning of this romance was actually the less interesting out of the three I already played. Mizuha keeps following Kyosuke around to have a date, while he simply tries to avoid the girl. He is obviously not interested in her, and in the end reluctanctly agrees to start dating Mizuha only when she agrees it would be casual and she will be ok with the fact his only interest in her is sex. 
Things start to get interesting only when she finally makes up her courage and tells him she's not going to accept suche a hollow relationship and wants to break up with him. 
The ending in the second part alternates between the present and scenes from the future in which Kyosuke and Mizuha are adult and planning a life togheter. Future-Mizuha is a far better character than Teenager-Mizuha and it's interesting seeing how much their relationship have grown during the years. This is the route in which Kyosuke changes the least of all three: being with Mizuha makes him less cruel towards people, but other than that he remains the same. He keeps working for Gonzou and the yakuza, keeps living in his old apartment and seems to have forgotten entirely both Maou and Usami. 

With my great surprise, of the three I must say the route with Tsubaki is maybe the best. Kyosuke actually LIKES Tsubaki when they start dating, they both change and they keep contacts with all their friends. 

Azur Lane new Italian guild

It's finally open!
The first little project of Japanese Nerd Culture: an Italian guild for the Android game Azur Lane!
We're sooooooooooo excited!
It's in Avrora server, the name is KawaiiCorp, and anyone is welcome there.

We're doing our best to create even more great things: we hope to have your support.

Please follow us on Japanese Nerd Culture FB group

Bakemono to Kedamono - the monster and the beast

This will be hardly a proper review, since this manga is still going in Japan, but I just wanted to show you this little treasure I recently found.


PLOT (spoiler free)

In a generic fantasy setting, a demon lives in a deep forest, avoided by both humans and other demons because of his scary appearence. One day, he saves a man travelling his forest from a group of thugs who were supposedly tryng to rape him.
Things take an unexpected turn when we learn that maybe the demon is not as evil as he looks - and the man is not as innocent as he seems.


A fantasy shonen ai with a touch of The Ancient Magus Bride


Maybe it's too soon to judge, but for what I read so far this manga has the potential to become a great story. I just LOVE both the main characters and their odd way to care for each other.
Embarassed demon is the cutest thing ever!! (๑♡⌓♡๑)
The thing lacking for now is an actual plot: they're just sort of travelling in the woods for now. I hope it will not end up - like many yaoi manga - just focusing on the romantic side and forgetting story and setting. It will be a real shame.


Kadokawa shop

Umineko no naku koro ni month - ready for the witches??

My Japanese friends on twitter reminded me recently of a very important fact: we're in October now, and this is the month of witches - Umineko month!!

Do you ever play Umineko no naku koro ni? I hope so, and if you don't... well, this is the right time to do that - and repent!!
From the same author of Higurashi - one of the best horror Visual Novels I ever read - Umineko is a Visual Novel of mistery, horror and mostly the evil men can do (to cite a Iron Maiden song XD).
It's not easy and you're about to be shocked to the core in some parts of the story, but it's worth your time like few other horror games out there. I don't want to go in details about the plot: it's something you have to read and elaborate on your own, because everyone in this game is both innocent and lier, victim and monster. Nothing of what you see it's really as it seems - and still it's all true.
Higurashi players understand what I'm trying to say.

If you have a twitter account, go see fans around the world posting fanarts, cosplay pics and so on to celebrate the Golden Witch Beatrice and her sisters! It's really amazing to see so much passion and love! \(○^ω^○)/

Here is my little contribution!
Feel free to use them if you want: all sisters we are, we witches ୧༼ ヘ ᗜ ヘ ༽୨

Shadowverse - a Japanese alternative to Hearthstone

And here I am, talking about games once again...
I love videogames, as you already probably guessed, and I also love cards games - you know, the whole "collecting cards" idea... I could go on try to win new cards all day! XD I tried some games of this kind, but I have to admit this one is the best I played so far.
So, here is my new favourite.

About gameplay, Shadowverse is very similar to Hearthstone, but with an original setting and an actual plot. Don't get me wrong: I love Warcraft setting, but here we have a solo mode, with missions and a real plot going on. Your "champions" are interesting and with a story full of secrets - secrets that often link several of the characters, succeeding in making you curious about the whole story and what will happen in the next mission.
And the art is INCREDIBLE.

I'm still not confident enough to challenge other players, but I'll try to prove my worth on the arena soon!
Are anyone playing this game?
In my opinion, Shadowverse is a very interesting alternative to Hearthstone. Even if you're not so much into Japanese style fantasy, the plot is quite good from the very beginning and every single character will surprise you.
Hope to find a lot of players out there! o(*>ω<*)o


G-senjou no Maou - about Kanon route: when love becomes egoism

WARNING: it will contain spoilers on the VN's plot, so if you hasn't played it yet, continue reading at your own risk! :P

I already talked about this Visual Novel in an old post (Tsubaki route), but I'll tell what this game is about once again for anyone new here.

In G-senjou you play the role of Kyosuke, the adoptive son of a ferocious yakuza boss (he's scary as hell, I assure you @@) whose only interest in life is making money: his life has a dramatical change when a strange and mysterious man whose name is only "Maou" (Devil) starts to  challenge Kyosuke's "father" rule over the city, dragging into his machinations also Kyosuke himself and his classmates. To make things even more complicated, in Kyosuke's class transfers a strange girl who seems to hold a personal grudge against Maou...

In this Visual Novel, in addition to follow Maou's plot and discovers what links him to Kyosuke (no spoiler here but it's quite interesting), we have various girls among which to choose our partner, and this choise will change very much the Visual Novel's entire plot and ending.
This time, I decided to romance Kanon.

Kanon is Kyosuke's "sister" (she's Kyosuke's stepfather's daughter) and someone inbetween a childhood friend and a younger sibling - at least in our protagonist's mind. In fact, to me it's quite obvious her interest for Kyosuke is of a romantic nature, even if our protagonist treats her like an annoying little sister. Kanon is childish, spoiled and always cheerful, but she has also another side of her personality - more serious and focused - that she shows only when she skates. Getting to know her better, we discover she's actually very serious when something involves her career as professional skater.
Kanon route was a bit of a surprise. When you start romancing her, you quickly discover she's much more than what she seems - strong and determined, but also arrogant and demanding with Kyosuke. The reason for her often annoying attitude is the complicated relationship she has with her mother - an ex skater who practically lives only to see Kanon accomplishing what she could not. Their bond is strong, but also full of unsaid things and egoism - from both sides.
What I liked in this route was the deep realism of Kanon development till her beautiful happy ending. What I didn't like was the fact Kyosuke is just a bystander in Kanon's life here. Their "love" - on Kyosuke's part - seems mostly born out of pity and didn't evolve much during the route. He acts like her boyfriend but doesn't seem really into it. Being with her doesn't change him or push him towards a confrontation with his stepfather - like in Tsubaki's route - and you can almost forget he's even present most of the scenes. 
Kanon is a very interesting character, but I would have liked to see her interact more with the protagonist.

What do you think?

G-Senjou is definetely a Visual Novel that the more you play it the better it gets.

Where you can find G-Senjou no Maou: STEAM LINK

Azur Lane - School event SURPRISE

I didn't notice till the end of this event...............
I just gained the cute school uniform skin for one of the ships, so I decided to try and change my secretary for a while: not even I can resist to school uniforms charm! @@

Aaaaaaaaand... SURPRISE
The whole starting screen changed as well: sakura blossoms, autumn-like atmosphere and so on. Not sure if this works with anyone of the exlusive skins, but I bet it does.
I loved this new screen so much I think I'll keep it for a very long time - or till a new, super cute event!!